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凱立旅行社台南分公司 Services



 團體旅遊,凱立旅遊有看法也有堅持:一趟完美的旅遊應該休閒與知識性兼具、品質與 經濟考量並存,我們以精緻專業量身訂做旅遊作為出發的起點,迅速地得到消費市場的認同, 進而深耕相對需要專業的旅遊導覽路線,獲得相當的讚美與評價。不過,市場認同卻是更多 責任與壓力的開始,我們因此學得更加謙卑、也更為貼近消費者的需求,不僅僅是商業考量, 更為了不負開創合理消費環境、買賣雙贏的深刻自期。



依然以相逢自是有緣,今日的相遇可說是因緣具足,希望有一次難忘的旅遊行程讓參與者 更能認識世界之美,當然對我們而言需要辛勤工作與持續努力呈現出與眾不同的旅遊樂趣, 然專業的導遊與領隊再配合專業的服務才能真正的展現出從旅遊中瞭解導覽與遊樂之價值, 敝公司自信比別的旅遊同業更能滿足您的期待。我們不敢誇言消費滿意度百分百,卻絕對經 得起誠信的檢驗。

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Image by Tsaiwen Hsu

Featured Item

This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure the text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image of the product to give your customers a way of visualizing what you are selling.

​2014年金質獎 荷比盧13天


Customer Favorite

This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure the text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image of the product to give your customers a way of visualizing what you are selling.

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​2015年 金質獎北歐15天


New Addition

This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure the text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image of the product to give your customers a way of visualizing what you are selling.

​​2015年 金質獎 英愛17天


Customer Favorite

This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure the text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image of the product to give your customers a way of visualizing what you are selling.

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New Addition

This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure the text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image of the product to give your customers a way of visualizing what you are selling.


Image by Pesce Huang

Customer Favorite

This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure the text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image of the product to give your customers a way of visualizing what you are selling.

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Image by 夏 雨
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